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Yellow Fever is the only Certificate required for entry into Kenya.

Enjoy your stay in Kenya and be safe like millions of others by taking sensible precautions. Below are some handy tips.

Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes that bite at dusk and at night. 
Careful precautions reduce the risk of insect-borne malaria by a factor of ten. At dusk and at other times when insects are biting - cover up: wear long-sleeved shirtstrousers socks and pyjamas at night. Use an insect repellent on exposed skin and clothing. If you are at a self catering style camp use a pyrethrum-impregnated mosquito net and some form of insecticide during the night. Ask your hotel to spray your room each evening

Water Purification
Drink only water known to be safe. Don't drink tap water or brush your teeth with it stick to bottled or canned drinks - well known brands are safe. Have bottled mineral waters opened in your presence. If in doubt purify water by boiling chlorine iodine or using a water purifier. Check that ice is made from pure water.

Other Tropical Diseases
Tropical diseases are relatively uncommon in travelers. Most of them tend to be food-borne or insect-borne so the precautions listed above will prevent the majority of cases.

Is a parasitic disease spread by contact with water from lakes rivers and streams. Regardless of any advice you may receive to the contrary by local people no lake river or stream in Africa is free of risk. Contact should be avoided or kept to a minimum. Chlorinated swimming pools are safe.

In Africa many dogs are not pets. Rabies is transmitted by bites. Wounds need thorough scrubbing and cleansing with antiseptic followed by prompt skilled medical attention including immunization.

Heat and Sun
Use plenty of high factor sunscreen wear a hat and shady clothing. Do not expect that you will be able to acclimatize instantly to the heat as this can take up to 2 weeks and during this period avoid hard constant physical exertion keep cool and stay in the shade - especially during the hottest parts of the day. Drink plenty of fluids but not alcohol coffee or strong tea which are diuretics and cause increased water loss.

Preventing HIV Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Kenya regrettably has a very high risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are widely available but some travelers have found packs for sale beyond the sell-by date.

Coming Home.

Traveler malaria can occur if you stop taking anti malarial drugs when you get home. Tablets should be continued as instructed at least 4 weeks after leaving a malarial area. Always report any symptoms to your doctor and make sure that they know you have been to Africa even up 2 months after your visit. Demand a blood test for malaria.